Clearing hard disk's MBS

Mike McCarty Mike.McCarty at
Thu Aug 10 22:22:41 UTC 2006

Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 04:01:27PM -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
>>Why do people continually post this incorrect information. The
> It's a carefully-engineered disinformation campaign designed to.... uh,
> designed to.... uh, make you upset, apparently.

What upsets me is that people who apparently do not know what
they are talking about "correct" people who have posted valid
information, spreading misinformation.

Additionally, the OP asked how to clear the MBS, note: not "MBR",
he specified "MBS" Master Boot SECTOR. So in this case the
question unambiguously asked about the sector, not the "record".

Even if there were some ambiguity in what MBR refers to, there
is none in MBS.

So, WHY did he have to jump in and give misinformation? Why not
just keep shut?

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I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
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