options to debug kernel hangs ?

Ronald Warsow rwarsow at gmx.de
Sun Aug 13 01:44:14 UTC 2006

hello chris

sorry for you. 
'maid analogous experiences with dvb-t. 
now fixed with
it's the first "offical" 2.6.17 that do.
and it seemed that i had to wait a little bit longer...

answering to the subject: 
i maid some good experiences with serial console (kernel docu) on kernel panics, 
but here in that special resume problem i'm not sure that this will give the needed info's.
and it's not clear to me if you got a 2cd box, null-modem cable.

weren't there any info's in your log files to compare with (maybe) my last mail ?
it's a complete hibernate/resume cycle.
did you try  runlevel 3 (without options) ?

resuming my dvb-t problem 
what do you want to do if you find the info's you're searching for ?
the problem is already known in bugzilla !

in short: IMO i would do one of the following:
- go back to (stay with) a kernel that fits your needs and -iirc- the security acpects
- wait && try fc6 kernels
- wait
- compile 

okay ?


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