Fedora Core 5 Issues

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Tue Aug 15 09:16:35 UTC 2006

Roger wrote:
> Has anyone had issues with Fedora Core 5 64bit version. I tried to use 
> it for one of my production servers and i had endless issues trying to 
> get it to work, first i had the segfaults caused by some of my 
> processes. Then the SATA drivers started giving errors and eventually my 
> hard drive started failing etc. I believe in Fedora and dumped FC5 for 

I used FC5 on x86_64 for several months completely happily.  Then a 
couple of months ago that box killed first one SATA drive (this is on 
nVidia SATA driver/controller) and then after one week, its replacement 
SATA drive.  By 'killed' I mean I came in one morning and the drive is 
repeatedly resetting itself on a 10-or-so second cycle, will not boot, 
etc.  I abandoned the whole PC and moved my life into a laptop.

I have three ideas what may have happened:

  - Power supply problem: the 12V became weak and unstable and the drive 
kept "powering up".  Problem with believing this is that there were few 
devices in the box, and there had been no changes to the roster of 
devices in there for months

  - Driver problems: on a later kernel, changes in the driver cause it 
to try to reset the drive and there are problems with the logic that it 
will keep doing so until it kills the drive, perhaps because the drive 
firmware does not always handle soft resets properly (on a WD and a 
Seagate though?)

  - Karmic burden from a past life caught up with me and it is just random

Please describe what happened with your dead drive.

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