[OT} chilli wasRe: For sale

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Thu Aug 17 06:50:16 UTC 2006

Mike McCarty wrote:

>> Ric, you and I might agree with that. But I understand there are a
>> fair number of men for whom cilantro is intolerably bitter. For them
>> the recipe without cilantro would be a good thing. Maybe Patrick is
> Might be from chopping up the stems. The stems, if chopped pretty
> finely, do release a bitter taste. Strip the leaves and barely chop
> them, and you won't get that. The seeds also can be somewhat bitter.

My wife is proud to be a 'supertaster'


These mutants ;-) have extra taste receptors and can detect more 
molecules than the old deprecated style of human like us.  For example 
brussel sprouts that are fine to me are intolerably bitter to her.

> Indeed. The Indians (Hindu style) call it coriander.
> Gotta have lotsa cominos, too (cumin).

MMM in the UK Indian food is pretty much the national dish.  It's 
definitely breakfast time.  (Then I better get back on topic.)

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