FC5 Installation Killing Computers

Jack Gates jlgates at charter.net
Tue Aug 22 02:40:00 UTC 2006

On Monday 21 August 2006 14:10, Hex Star wrote:
> I dunno...I saw another thread here stating that FC5 was killing
> HDs by restarting them repeatedly until they died so this does seem
> like it could be possible...makes me glad I'm not thinking of using
> FC5 nor currently using it and such a distro which has now had
> multiple posts with regards to it killing various computer
> components certainly is not good for this distros reputation nor
> Linuxes as a whole, the developers of this distro might want to
> make fixing these issues a rather high priority if they care about
> FCs reputation at all...

You are taking things out of context.  Install a copy on a box and 
check it out for yourself.  Out of personal preference I choose not 
to use none RPM flavored distros of Linux but I don't attack them 
because of my choice not to use them.

You people that for whatever reason decide that a distro is bad for 
whatever reason like to find anything you can to bad mouth it.  How 
is attacking a Linux distro accomplishing anything good?

If you don't use FC and don't want too... why are you on the mailing 
list?  Try finding facts and stop spreading FUD!

Jack Gates http://www.morningstarcom.net

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