Authentication with SMART_HOST in sendmail?

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Thu Aug 24 15:00:28 UTC 2006

David Limón Romero:
>> It doesn't require SMTP AUTH, it relays only via IP address for sending
>> mail.
>> With SMART_HOST my sendmail sends it's load to my ISP server, but mails
>> never go to their destination, so I'm trying to do my sendmail to AUTH
>> as client for the ISP server and see if mails go.

The two paragraphs quoted above, sound contradictory.  If it *only*
requires you to be on one of their client IP addresses, why do you think
SMTP AUTH is going to help?

Gbenga Shobowale:
> Why dont you configure sendmail to resolve the domain and send the
> mails directly to the destination.

While a person's ISP mightn't stop them from doing that, various mail
services will not accept mail sent directly from an ISP customer's IP

An alternative might be to use a different SMTP server.  There's many
mail service providers available on the net, perhaps using one of them
would be better than the ISP.

The original poster might want to post their entire sendmail
configuration file, so other eyes can look for errors.

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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