Bug in Graphical Network Configuration???

Deepak Shrestha d88pak at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 17:42:02 UTC 2006


I have seen similar things where system-config-smaba was messing up
the configuration in FC4 machine. It needed the hand editing of samba

> Again, they don't...  The hosts file only has any bearing on the machine
> it's on.  It has nothing to do with other PCs.  You can do what you like
> to the hosts file on a machine, and it has no bearing on anything other
> PC.
> Just think of it as having a pocket phone book in your pocket.  You've
> got a list of friend's names and numbers.  It's only of any bearing to
> you as you dial them.  If you have the wrong information, you're not
> going to connect.  It's not going to stop any of those friends from
> calling each other, your notes don't determine their names and numbers,
> nor would writing your own details down incorrectly stop them from
> calling you.

Sorry, you are consistently mentioning that /etc/hosts file have
nothing to do but I have just tested editing the file and change my
host name to "zeenet.local.org". Reactivating the network
automatically changed the HOSTNAME= in  /etc/sysconfig/network file.
So how is that?

Next , I am bit confused with TCP/IP network and Samba thing messing
up. If I remove my "zeenet" alias, other windows machines in the LAN
can't reach my FC4 box. So it seems like alias is very important to
Samba (NetBIOS based network).

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