cups ppd files

James Wilkinson fedora at
Fri Aug 25 20:56:44 UTC 2006

Tim Waugh wrote:
> Then don't
> run system-config-printer again until FC6. :-)

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Why should it be better then?

Because it's been completely rewritten?

> If the authors know how to correct it, why don't they do it now?

Because the new code is, well, new. What it's trying to do may be more
correct, but it isn't yet debugged in the way it does it.

Because -- well, there really should be some limit to the sort of
updates that can be made to one version of Fedora Core. Completely
replacing a program with a totally different one sounds like the sort of
thing you only have to do if you have to.

Because system-config-printer does, despite its press, actually work for
simple configurations (if you only use s-c-p). If it was a *total*
washout, things would be different.

> I would suggest that the author or authors work out exactly how the program
> is meant to work, and document that,
> and preferably re-write the whole thing in python or perl,
> so that one can see exactly what it is trying to do.

I think you *greatly* exaggerate the ability of Python to force
programmers to produce readable code. And as for Perl -- the comparison
between (some) Perl and line noise is very widely acknowledged.

In any case,
[james at kendrick ~]$ file /usr/sbin/system-config-printer
/usr/sbin/system-config-printer: symbolic link to `printconf'
[james at kendrick ~]$ file /usr/sbin/printconf
/usr/sbin/printconf: python script text executable

In other words, it already is Python.

Hope this helps,


E-mail:     james@ | The "Power Switch" on ATX supplies, like traffic lights | in Paris, really is just a polite suggestion.
                   |     -- Mike Andrews

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