Find every instance of hostname

Steve Searle steve at
Sat Aug 26 10:56:10 UTC 2006

Around 07:48am on Saturday, August 26, 2006 (UK time), Anne Wilson scrawled:

> I have a small problem on my laptop which springs from the sender of an email 
> being set as logwatch.localhost.localdomain.

Do you mean the "from" address os logwatch at localhost.localdomain?  In
which case I am not sure what you want to do is the way to solve it.

> I have so far been unable to find which config file needs editing to
> get the correct hostname, so I'd like to be able to search this box,
> where everything is fine, for config files that contain the box's
> hostname.  I could then check the list against the ones on the laptop.
> It should be simple enough to do using find and grep, but I can't get
> a command that gives me the output I need.  How can I do it?

grep -r /* foo

should do it, where foo is the string you are searching for.  Run it as
root or you won't have access to all files.  You will still get some
error messages from some of the things in /dev, but it should find what
you are looking for.

> Anne



A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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