Can't mount a floppy disk

Steve Searle steve at
Sun Aug 27 10:04:37 UTC 2006

Around 10:36am on Sunday, August 27, 2006 (UK time), Keith Powell scrawled:

> I can format a floppy, it's just that I can't mount it.
> I'm lost and would appreciate it if someone would kindly point me in 
> the right direction.

Its a long time since I've done this, and there is probably a slicker
method, but this will work.

mkdir /home/keith/floppy

then as root,

mount /dev/fd0 /home/keith/floppy

when you have finished, 

umount /dev/fd0

as root, will unmount it.




A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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