logwatch failing on mail to user

George Arseneault george_arseneault2001 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 12 21:29:41 UTC 2006

--- Tim <ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au> wrote:

> "System" is a bit vague.  Are you trying between
> users on the same box,
> or between different computers on a network?

Sorry it took so long to reply. I use a friend's ISP
and to get off his wife's computer.

Same box. Just fooling around and trying to teach
myself Linux. (must be masochistic) Most of the info
is readily available on-line... But I had to
disconnect to phone for lack of funds.

Had a job offer to do scut level system maintenance on
a friend's web-server. Lucky for me it fell through. 
The money man's site has been thoroughly hacked for
years and refused all advice on how to set-up the new
server properly. And insisted it be done his way. (for
example... the techs he chose set up the server
admitted to me that they use the same passwords for
everything on every system they set up. routers, root,
anything that they aren't specifically told what to
use)  Had it gone on-line, it would have been taken
over within a day or two.

Any questions? Get answers on any topic at www.Answers.yahoo.com.  Try it now.

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