FC6 Nautilus file properties options are crap

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Wed Dec 20 14:40:48 UTC 2006

> Has anyone had a look at the options you get for setting file
> permissions in FC6's Nautilus?  No longer you can tick on or off read,
> write, or execute permissions individually for user, group, and
> others.
> ..... If this is aimed as less techno-savvy users, it's going to be
> confusing. And for those who know about permissions, the thing is
> seriously unhelpful.

Brandon Rambo:
> you could allways just use a terminal to do it...

More like you *have* to use a terminal.  Why is that GUI tools on *ix
just plain suck?  It's not like GUI tools can't do the job, other
platforms do it rather well.  The old mantra that the CLI is superior is
an ignorant attitude.  What's really wrong with GUI systems is the ones
that *ix has are inferior.  TUI systems are even worse, the often
vaunted MC is a really hideous thing.

The prior behaviour was quite fine, this change is a downgrade.  If
Linux is to make headway against the evil empire, it's got to stop doing
stupid things.  Nautilus is a half-assed clone of Windows Explorer.

(Currently testing FC5, but still running FC4, if that's important.)

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