Blocking Spam

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Tue Dec 26 02:32:32 UTC 2006

>> So, not having heard of using sa-update before, I decided to see what it
>> can do.  It does this:
>> Can't locate Archive/ in @INC (@INC contains:
>> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi
>> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8   ... and so on ...

Terry Polzin:
> I just had the same issue with sa-update;
>         yum install perl-Archive-Tar
> will fix that.

Thanks for that, one wonders why it wasn't pulled in with
install/updates for spam assassin, in the past, automatically.  Also
which sadist decided the the archive name, unneccessarily, needed a few
capital letters.  So I've installed it, and we'll see if it makes any
difference to how things work.

> In kmail you can configure that the "this is junk button" exactly
> does.  It works great for me. 

Unfortunately, I don't use that program.  I'm not a KDE fan, on the
whole (including kmail, the last time I tried it).  I am using
Evolution, which so far, is the least annoying GUI client on Linux that
I've tried, though it's documentation leaves an awful lot to be desired.

Yes, documentation authors, I can work out what some "check incoming
messages for junk" tick box enables and disables, you don't need to
redescribe *that* in the manual.  What I want to know is in what manner
the thing does its job...  I want to know things like, does the junk
mail folder automatically clear out old mail, can I manually remove
things from it, and so on...  It's scant on useful information.

(Currently testing FC5, but still running FC4, if that's important.)

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