xorg.conf, or videocard, or ....

beartooth beartooth at adelphia.net
Sun Feb 12 14:53:17 UTC 2006

On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 16:13:57 -0800, Endymion wrote:

> Try booting into run level 3 (at the bootloader press any key, then select
> the kernel and then edit the boot commands, remove rhgb and put the number
> 3).  Log in as root and then run "Xorg -configure".  That should generate
> a fresh xorg.conf file based on your hardware and will probe the monitor
> for the right settings.  Just move the new xorg.conf file to
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf (be sure to back up the old one just in case). 
> Hopefully this will fix everything for ya.

Hmmmm.... I *think* I can do most of that; at any rate I can do "init 3"
as root from within the GUI, if that will serve. Does editing the boot
commands involve anything *but* putting 3 for rhgb? And where do I put it?
I happen to detest rhgb, since I watch boot messages, and always go into a
new install pronto and delete it -- so I'm not sure where it belongs,
except at the end of a line partway down.

To see what would happen, I tried with another p2. I did su to root, "init
3", and Xorg -configure. 

The results are a little odd. There's a mouse cursor on the screen, which
moves around with the mouse; but there's also a message saying "Xorg is
not able to detect your mouse. [That machine is behind a KVM switch -- I
forgot.] Edit the file and correct the Device.

"Your xorg.conf file is /root/xorg.conf.new

"To test the server, run 'X -config /root/xorg.conf.new'"

Do I want to do that there, before I get to the machine with its own
peripherals, or just get outta there fast? And is it the X server it's
talking about?

Beartooth Staffwright, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
FC4; Pine 4.64, Pan; Privoxy 3.0.3; 
Dillo 0.8.5, Opera 8.51, Firefox 1.0.7, Epiphany 1.6.5
Remember I have little idea what I am talking about.

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