Something always changes fstab

Ian Malone ibmalone at
Mon Feb 13 09:36:37 UTC 2006

Joel Rees wrote:
> 2006-02-13 (月) の 13:08 +0700 に Fajar Priyanto さんは書きました:
>>Hi all,
>>I made a modified to my fstab in /dev/fd0 floppy line from auto to vfat. The 
>>reason I do this because with auto, sometimes FC4 will fail reading the 
>>But, everytime I boot the box, it gets back to auto.
>>I read on the manual and it says that something called fstab-sync does that. 
>>And if I want to prevent it from doing that, I can immute the file. But, does 
>>it mean if I insert a CD into the CDROM drive, supermount will encounter 
>>error since it cannot modify fstab anymore?
> I'm asking the obvious question, but have you looked at
>     man fstab-sync
> yet? I Think I see some mention of setup files in there, but I didn't
> read very far.

Putting something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!-- -*- SGML -*- -->

<deviceinfo version="0.2">
         <match key="storage.drive_type" string="floppy">
	<merge key="storage.policy.mount_filesystem" type="string">vfat</merge>
	<merge key="storage.policy.desired_mount_point" 

In a file in the /usr/share/hal/fdi/95userpolicy/ directory
should override the default floppy options (the difference
is the first merge element), but I haven't tried it myself.


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