Automatic update

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Sun Feb 12 18:30:08 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-02-12 at 07:57 -0500, Paul Michael Reilly wrote:
> Now my wife points out that Microsoft has a painless and practical
> update facility that appears to be what I was looking for from Linux.

Ah, but don't forget that only updates your operating system, and some
Microsoft applications; whereas what you get with the various
distributions of Linux is the ability to keep nearly every bit of
software on your PC up to date.

And I wouldn't call the Microsoft system painless, either.

I've generally found the "automatic updates" to be quite good.  The
recent degradation of a function which gives you "notifications" about
pending updates is a let down, but I find subscribing to the
announcement mailing list is better.  You often get details about why
the update has been released, and what was updated, etc.  I wish they'd
also mention file sizes, though.  Then I could plan, better, what I was
going to download, and when.
Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.
I read messages from the public lists.

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