Unsigned rpm's

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Fri Feb 24 12:44:26 UTC 2006

david walcroft:
>>> How do I handle unsigned rpm's,I've got two holding up 645M of updates.
>>> Pango and libpixman, [FC 4]

Rainer Koenig:
>> up2date has a --nosig parameter which turns of signature checks.

Rudolf Kastl:
> id not recommend to turn of sig checking.

Me either, and I'd have edited my message so the comment was readily
apparent, rather than hidden under lots of extraneous stuff from the
prior message...

I have pango installed, and according to "rpm -qi pango", it *IS*
signed, so I'd say the other person's comment about getting another
signature key is definitely in order.  I don't have libpixman to check.

If you really had some unsigned packages that you just had to install,
I'd try installing them separately, rather than modify your updating
program settings to ignore signatures.

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