moving fedora to a new system

James Wilkinson fedora at
Sat Feb 25 19:23:54 UTC 2006

akonstam at wrote:
> 2. However to install them on the new machine you would have to write
> a script that would I think( I am not sure about this) remove the tail
> part of the rpm name (such as the .lvn.1.4.i386.rpm part of the rpm
> mplayerplug-in-2.80-0.lvn.1.4.i386.rpm. Then you would have to feed
> them to yum -y update in small enough glops as to not exceed the 256
> character limit on a execution line.

Jaime Davila wrote:
> Will those names follow a clear convention? That is, can I find a 
> consistent delimiter between the package name and the package version? 
> If there is, I can then write a script to do the installs.

I think you only have to remove the trailing .rpm, which can
conveniently be done with the basename command. For example,
for i in $(grep glibc /var/log/rpmpkgs) ; do basename $i .rpm ; done | xargs yum info
should retrieve information from yum on all the glibc packages installed
on your system.

There is a slight problem with this: if there are updates made available
between the generation of rpmpkgs and the issuing of the yum commands,
then the yum command may attempt to install the old version, which may no
longer be available through yum. For this reason, it would make a lot
more sense just to generate the list with
rpm -qa > rpmpkgs
(which doesn't include the trailing .rpms anyway), copy that to the new
computer, and then run
xargs yum -y install < rpmpkgs

I'm not sure which 256 character limit akonstam is referring to: it
sounds like he means the maximum length of a bash command line. But
man xargs suggests this limit is at least 131072 characters. In any
case, xargs should deal with it.

Hope this helps,

E-mail address: james | Mike Andrews' Corollary to Murphy's Law:  | In any sufficiently large collection of texts, every
                      | possible misspeeling, as well as some that are not
                      | possible, will occur.

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