FC4 Dovecot won't start

Don Dupy fedora at maxxrad.net
Mon Feb 27 04:29:01 UTC 2006

I have FC4 with Dovecot installed and I keep getting an eroor that it 
won't start.
/etc/pki/dovecot/dovecot.pem   permission denied.
I have looked online everywhere I can think, and I know that it has been 
covered here before..... but PLEASE HELP ME!!! This is about to drive me 
nuts. I have regenerated the RSA stuff and all that and it still 
won't start. I can't fine any logs on it either.

Any help would be appreciated.

Don Dupy

FC1 - Kernel 2.4.22 - Dell Poweredge 600SC
email: fedora at maxxrad.net

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