Access windows XP from FC4 and languages selection

James Wilkinson fedora at
Tue Feb 28 13:18:32 UTC 2006

chen li wrote:
> Now I have several other questions:1) I resize the
> hardware and create a partition (10G) as FAT32 and
> label it as E under windows XP. How do I read it from
> Linux FC4? I use the following commands under FC4:
> 1) mkdir /mnt/FAT32
> 2) mount -t FAT32 /dev/hda1   /mnt/FAT32
> but it doesn't work. Could any expert out there give
> me a hand?

Are you sure that the partition is /dev/hda1? That would only work if
your new FAT32 partition was the first partition on your first IDE disk,
which would imply that your main Windows partition was on a SATA disk.

Otherwise, you'd have to look at how your disk is partitioned. Possibly
the easiest way is to run
fdisk -l /dev/hd? /dev/sd?
as root, and look for partitions that are described as something like
"W95 FAT23" in the last column.

Hope this helps,


E-mail address: james | We still have enough spare cardboard sitting around  | to send a bus by Parcelforce, although not enough
                      | wrapping to be sure they wouldn't deliver it broken
                      | into two pieces.  -- Alan Cox

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