Is 64 bit Fedora OK? With which CPU?

Paul F. Johnson paul at
Sun Jan 1 22:06:20 UTC 2006


> I have to buy a new PC for my desktop. I want to run
> Fedora on it, because I already know it well from University.

Mine works better than any machine within the University of Salford. 64
bit Sempron 3000, FC5t1 - knocks the crap out of everything else
anywhere that I know of.

> What are right now, if any, the limits I encounter in using
> Fedora or FOSS in general, if I buy a 64 bit CPU?

None more that you find for 32 bit, with the exception that Flash
doesn't work.

> Also, if there are no traps, what 64 bit CPU do you recommend from the
> power efficiency point of view? Lower wattage, possibility to run slower
> when not doing heavy stuff....?

Depends on what you're doing. My one is great as both a server,
streaming server and desktop box - all at the same time!


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