unbelievably stupid mistake - i broke /usr/lib need help

Mike McCarty mike.mccarty at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 6 20:49:18 UTC 2006

Robin Laing wrote:
> Mike McCarty wrote:

[that he's very careful as root]

> The first thing I usually do is make an aliases for rm, cp and mv to ask 
> for confirmation.
> alias rm='rm -i'
> alias cp='cp -i --backup=t'
> alias mv='mv -i --backup=t'
> I wonder if there is a way to disable the "-f" option in rm as root.

I suppose one could make a script which checks before passing along
to the unaliased version, and put it in the path before the programs.

> I also want to look at the terminal settings and see if I can get the 
> background to change when I su.

That's an interesting idea, but I wonder how it would work.
For example, I use GNOME, and some of the GUI tools use
root priviledge. I suppose that GNOME might have to change.

OTOH, having the background turn RED or something like that
would be helpful.

I don't often do root things from a GUI. I wonder whether
making su into a script which starts a new xterm with
different characteristics would be enough? Or maybe just
change the prompt into a string which makes the characters
come out black on a red background?

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