FC4 - Creating an Audio-CD?

Steven Ringwald asric at asric.com
Mon Jan 9 20:39:58 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 22:00 +0100, KH wrote:
> I am running FC4 since a few days and now I want to create an Audio-CD. 
> But Xcdroast or whatever else is installed on the system does not burn 
> me an Audio-CD.
> Trying to install Glame fails, because it does not recognize cpp and 
> other modules which it requests even so they are already installed.
> Which program should I use or what is requested to get Audio-CDs

The section  "CREATING AUDIO CDs" on
http://linux.about.com/od/linux101/l/blnewbie6_6.htm gives a pretty good
overview of how to do this on the command-line using CDparanoia, sox,
and cdrecord. I have had the most success with this method. 

Hope that this helps!

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