Viewing contents of initrd

James Wilkinson fedora at
Thu Jan 12 18:57:07 UTC 2006

Brian D. McGrew wrote:
> Is there anyway to look at what's been conglomerated into initrd???

Ian Pilcher wrote:
> It's a gzipped filesystem image, so your first step is to use gunzip to
> uncompress it.  gunzip may balk at processing it, because the file name
> doesn't end in .gz, but you can work around this by using cat and piping
> the output to gunzip.
> Once you've done this, just loopback mount it (mount -o loop,ro ...).
> You'll have to be root to do this, of course.

It's gzipped all right
$ file initrd-2.6.15-1.1823_FC4.img
initrd-2.6.15-1.1823_FC4.img: gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression

but if you gunzip (a copy of) it:
$ gunzip -S .img initrd-2.6.15-1.1823_FC4.img
(another way to force it to uncompress) and use file:
$ file initrd-2.6.15-1.1823_FC4
initrd-2.6.15-1.1823_FC4: ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with no CRC)

It's a CPIO archive. I understand that it used to be a compressed
filesystem, but it was switched around the time 2.6 was introduced.

$ cpio -imdF initrd-2.6.15-1.1823_FC4
cpio: dev/systty: Operation not permitted
cpio: dev/console: Operation not permitted
cpio: dev/tty1: Operation not permitted
cpio: dev/tty3: Operation not permitted
cpio: dev/null: Operation not permitted
cpio: dev/ram: Operation not permitted
cpio: dev/tty4: Operation not permitted
cpio: dev/tty2: Operation not permitted
6435 blocks

(My /tmp is mounted nodev, so of course cpio can't create device nodes).

For more information, see

Hope this helps,

E-mail address: james | "Drums must never stop. Very bad if drums stop."  | "Why? What will happen if the drums ever stop?"
                      | "Bass solo."

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