unable to see ntfs partition

Phil Savoie psavoie1783 at rogers.com
Fri Jan 13 09:13:56 UTC 2006

Hi All,

I have a dual boot WXP/FC4 home system.  I have recompiled the kernel to allow 
for mounting of NTFS (read only).  Because I still require XP for work, I 
would like to have access to that partition while in FC as a normal user.  I 
have noticed that the directory modes change as follows:

If device is unmounted the modes are this:

[root at hp ~]# ls -ld /dos
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Jan 13 03:38 /dos
[root at hp ~]#

If I mount my ntfs device, I get this:

[root at hp ~]# mount /dos
[root at hp ~]# ls -ld /dos
dr-x------  1 root root 20480 Jan 12 04:54 /dos
[root at hp ~]#

The relevant entry in the /etc/fstab:

/dev/hda2      /dos    ntfs    defaults      0 0
[root at hp ~]#

Why do the modes change?  Is there a way for a normal user to have access?  If 
so how?

Thank you in advance,


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