Fedora Core 3 Transferred to Fedora Legacy

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Wed Jan 18 04:58:56 UTC 2006


>Ask yourself: You apparently are a RH employee and already are reading
>many of the lists. How much effort would it take to you to communicate
>the essentials to the appropriate channels inside of RH, be it as formal
>reports, by notes/memos, or by simply forwarding some mails?
A huge amount of effort really. I dont read all the mails by far.

>It's probably not your formal task nor duty - But it could be and
>probably would not make much difference to you.
My job has obsoletely nothing to do with Fedora. It takes hours of my 
own volunteer time to respond here in a limited way and I rather spend 
it on doing things that improve Fedora Project rather than merely 
spending time on discussions that dont change a single thing.

>I can tell you how I see it:
>* People expect RH to have established such communication channels

>* Non-developers hesitate to post to devel lists because they repeatedly
>have been instructed not to post end-user feedback to devel lists.
When they posted end user queries or send in rants that arent Fedora 
development specific.

>* RH lists require subscription. This is not feasible for "one time
It is way less than the time people spend arguing about it here where it 
makes no difference.

>* It's not the developers on devel lists talking the decisions on
>release cycles. It's RH's management.
Development people can talk to management about it if they are convinced 
of the strategy.  That is the way things work here.


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