Minimal Install with Wireless

Tod tod at
Thu Jan 19 12:22:23 UTC 2006

Tod wrote:

> Can I do a minimal install and still get Fedora to recognize and 
> configure my wireless card, D-Link G520?
> Thanks - Tod
Yes, but the madwifi package isn't included on the FC4 build.  This 
required a kernel (from RPM) upgrade, and then the madwifi RPM for the 
corresponding upgraded kernel.  Once that was complete iwconfig settings 
and ifconfig ath0 up did the trick.  Create an alias in 
/etc/dhclient.conf - don't need that if you are using static IP 
address.  Make sure to add /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ath0 
with the appropriate information so the card comes up at boot time.  May 
need to use /etc/init.d/network stop/start a few times to get things 

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