can an access point connect through an access point?

Anne Wilson cannewilson at
Sun Jan 29 18:51:57 UTC 2006

On Sunday 29 Jan 2006 15:46, Claude Jones wrote:
> There's a conceptual gap in my understanding still (I'm plowing
> through many google hits to try to lessen the gap). I'd thought of
> AP's as slight variations of wired hubs. Plug them in, give them an
> IP address that corresponds to the network topology, configure
> security, and then, the device was merely acting as a two-way pipe
> between computers - there's obviously more to it...
After trying to follow this thread, I'm thoroughly confused, so I'm not 
surprised you are too.  Let me ask you one simple question -

Do you want the computers that access the second AP to be on the same 
network as the ones accessing the first AP?

If the answer is that you want them all to act as though they were all 
addressing one single router, then the advice I gave you stands.  It's 
easy and efficient.

If you actually want them to be on separate networks for some reason, 
then you have to go down the bridging route (no pun intended).


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