Speaking of fonts...

Matthew Saltzman mjs at ces.clemson.edu
Tue Jul 11 12:32:18 UTC 2006

On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

> Le mardi 11 juillet 2006 à 13:11 +0930, Tim a écrit :
>>> But the printer or its device-specific driver knows how wide/tall a sheet
>>> of paper is and the DPI in any mode is fixed.  So it's easy for the
>>> printer or driver to know how many dots are in a point.
>> Can we not preset the same information into X?  I know you can configure
>> the Gimp, and Mozilla (at least older versions), so it knew how many
>> centimetres across the screen used how many pixels.  Surely it's not too
>> hard to configure X, itself, with a "my screen is x by y cms where the
>> display is actually drawn" when setting it up.  (Remembering that with
>> PCs, a 17" monitor is a useless description, it measure the entire tube,
>> not the usable part of it.  And we have width and height scan controls
>> on most CRTs.)
> $ xdpyinfo
> ...
> screen #0:
>  dimensions:    1680x1050 pixels (431x272 millimeters)
>  resolution:    99x98 dots per inch

Mine laptop reports:

screen #0:
   dimensions:    1024x768 pixels (347x260 millimeters)
   resolution:    75x75 dots per inch

But that's wildly wrong.  A 14" LCD at 1024x768 has about 91x91 DPI and is 
about 284x213 mm.  The measurements given are for a 17" screen.

> In xorg.conf:
> Section "Monitor"
>        Identifier   "Monitor0"
>        VendorName   "Belinea"
>        ModelName    "10 20 35W"
>        DisplaySize  434        272
> (only because the dcc-autoprovided size is not as precise as I'd like it
> to be)
> Regards,

 		Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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