Running LVM to repartition HD question

Paul Howarth paul at
Tue Jul 25 10:54:29 UTC 2006

Stephen Liu wrote:
> Now I want to create;
> - a new LogVol02 of size 5G as / for the new LinuxOS to be installed
> under VolGroup00
> - a new LogVol04 on extended partition of size 5G as /home for the new
> LinuxOS to be installed under VolGroup00
> by running following commands;
> lvcreate -n LogVol02 --size 5g VolGroup00
> lvcreate -n LogVol04 --size 5g VolGroup00
> mkfs -t ext3 /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol02
> mkfs -t ext3 /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol04
> However I haven't figured out during installation how can I netvigate
> installing / on LogVol02 and /home on LogVol04.  There will 2 / and 2
> /home on the same group, VolGroup00.  Does it matter?

Doesn't matter as long as the filesystem labels are different (anaconda 
has always got this right for me, though I've not tried it using LVM).


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