Adding a gimp plugin

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Sat Jul 29 18:13:15 UTC 2006

> Hmmm - Most of the messages have gone, but I still get
> Error: Couldn't find file to build/install/uninstall
> I've tried the command both as user in the directory containing the .py file
> and also as root giving the full path to the file.  What am I missing?
> Anne

Anne  -

For Python plug-ins, all you should have to do is put the .py file
into ~/gimp-2.2/plug-ins and make it executable.  I tried this plug-in
also, but running gimp-2.2 from the command line produces this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/cr33/.gimp-2.2/plug-ins/", line 54, in ?
    from scipy.optimize import fmin, fminbound
ImportError: No module named scipy.optimize

Installing the two scipy packages I found in yum did not help....  So
I guess the plug-in script is funky or I'm missing a python module


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