"Everything" install

Justin Zygmont jzygmont at solarflow.net
Thu Jun 1 06:58:22 UTC 2006

On Wed, 31 May 2006, Brian D. McGrew wrote:

> Is it gone from FC5 or am I missing something?  Will it be back in FC6?

actually, I wonder why it was ever there at all.  I never could understand 
why you need every single package that comes with the distro.  Many 
packages are unnecessary, you just get a ton of junk.  I've seen a 
lot of people choose to "install everything" only to realize after it 
wasn't what they thought.  I think it makes more sense to just allow a
user to select each package group if they really want everything, that
way at least it gives a better sense of what they're doing.

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