Depenency Errors...

Dan Thurman dant at
Wed Jun 7 16:38:28 UTC 2006

Hi Folks,

Yes, I am aware of the evolution dependency problems and
have excluded it until a fix appears.

Since I am doing java development, I am using the jpackage repo so that
I can have java packages such as Maven, Tomcat, and so on but I am using
only the [generic] and [generic-non-free] packages and not the [fc]
package because it has never worked.

Anyway, most of the Java package installs/updates fine so as long as
castor and geronimo are excluded from the list.  I never could
understand why this is *always* the case since the beginning of FC5
release when including the jpackage repo.

Does anyone have any suggestions or comments regarding the jpackage
repos and if the dependency problems will ever be resolved for fc?

Kind regards,

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