m4p files

Todd Zullinger tmz at pobox.com
Sat Jun 10 18:08:55 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Michael A. Peters wrote:
> I tried hymn as well - it seems that it was a cat and mouse game,
> soon after a hymn release an iTunes release would break it. Not
> worth messing with, so I just buy audio CDs and non DRM digital (IE
> magnatune)

Definitely a better solution.  I've avoided iTMS and other places like
it for similar reasons.  I'm not paying good money to people that want
to sell me less than CD quality audio with a ton of strings attached
that limit how and where I can listen to my music.  It's hard to
believe so many people don't mind giving that freedom up. :)

Thanks for sharing some real experience Michael.  It's good to know
that I should expect an uphill battle if someone wants to send me some
.m4p files.  I hope to never have a need for it.

- -- 
Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
A slave is yet a slave if his master allows him to make any decision
about which he (the master) is utterly indifferent.
    -- Robert Allen Leeper

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