Undelete - vfat capable.

David Fletcher fc at fletchersweb.net
Tue Jun 13 14:05:51 UTC 2006

At 14:52 13/06/2006, you wrote:

>I did a bad thing and deleted the files on my 2Gig SD drive.
>I have tried "foremost", midnight commander and even hexedit on a dd 
>copy of the drive with no success.
>Does anybody know of a Linux based tool that will undelete the files 
>or a howto on how to go about it?  Most are over 2Megs which seems 
>to be the limit of "foremost".
>I am going to talk to our IT guys but I don't want to admit that I 
>need to use a Windows machine. :(
>Robin Laing

On 3rd May, there was a thread called "Undelete Compat Flash" that 
mentioned various forensic file recovery applications.

Dave F

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