Translation, please : XP > FC a/o CXO

Beartooth Duffer beartooth at
Thu Mar 2 15:25:51 UTC 2006

Followups set to gmane.linux.redhat.fedora.general

I have been trying to get certain suites of proprietary software usable
under CrossoverOffice (CXO) under FC4 on four machines. All are topo map
stuff, interfacing with a GPS.

I have two of them -- the main ones for my purpose -- almost there. Both
Garmin's MapSource and Maptech's Terrain Navigator are installed, do open,
and do seem to run normally.

One sine qua non is still lacking. Neither one is able to interface with a
GPS. (Until they do, I have to keep a dedicated machine running XP

Meandering electronically among sundry old stuff, I rediscovered that
these same GPSs did *not* connect to this same software under XP at first,
either -- but a friend on a hiking board had seen and solved that. Here is
his explanation :

>         I use XP at home, which is where I had this problem.
> Amazingly, I was able to find one of my e-mails ...[about the] problem
> and can reconstruct my time-consuming temporary fix. First, right click
> on "my computer" on the desktop, then click "properties", "hardware",
> "device manager", "ports", and "Com 1." Disable Com 1, turn off the
> computer, plug in the GPS, turn on the computer, and then enable Com 1.
> You have to do this every time you want to use the GPS with the map
> program, that is unless you disconnect the data cable from the UPS to
> the computer and find every place in the computer that thinks you have a
> UPS and tell it that you don't. 

I eventually did that, and forgot it. I have never had a UPS connected to
the CXO machines, except of course to the power cords.

So can someone translate all that Windowese into directions to use under
CXO, or (as seems more likely) under FC4 independently of CXO?
First thing I thought of was to have the GPS connected and running, and
reboot the whole machine -- a linux reboot or a CXO simulation of a
windows reboot, or both. I tried that. No joy. Then I tried running kudzu
with a GPS connected, before opening a map program under CXO. No joy.

Then I got an adapter, plugged the serial cable from a GPS into a USB
port, ran kudzu, and opened a map program. *Still* no joy.

At this point I'm pretty well out of ideas. I hope somebody here may know
enough about both XP and FC4 (or about CXO under FC4, or something) to get
a handle on opening up either the serial port the software expects (It
checks at least comm1 and comm2.) or some channel to a USB port.

I do know, btw, that the same software, running under XP on one machine,
against the same serial port, the same GPSs, and the same cables, *does*
connect and interchange data successfully. It also did, years ago, under
W98. So I don't *think* the hardware is the problem.

Beartooth Staffwright, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
FC4; Pine 4.64, Pan; Privoxy 3.0.3; CXO 5.0.1
Dillo 0.8.5, Opera 8.52, Firefox 1.0.7, Epiphany 1.6.5
Remember I have little idea what I am talking about.

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