impatient for FC5 release

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Mon Mar 6 10:43:37 UTC 2006

Leon wrote:

>So if I enable the release repo instead of devel repo on the release
>date, can I get a system same as one installed from scratch? I'm very
>curious of this question since I have been using fedora 5 devel since
>test 1 and have configured it a bit. Really don't want to re-install
The development tree might move past FC5  before the release date. If 
you watch the rawhide reports on fedora-test on a regular basis you 
would have noticed that the number of updates have been generally low 
approaching the release. At some point the development tree would move 
back into the open development for FC6 again and you will see the flood 
gates open up with a large number of updates again.  Having said that, 
its recommended that you do a reinstallation since there might be 
packaging and configuration cruft in the test/development releases that 
you might create problems that wouldnt have occurred  on a clean 
installation . In short, if you a tester be prepared do a clean 
installation on the GA release when it is made available for routine work.

>Will the debug option get disabled approaching release date?
Yes. That might have already happened by now. I haven checked that. 


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