From release notes for FC5T3 (web)

Andy Green andy at
Tue Mar 7 17:22:13 UTC 2006

Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-03-07 at 10:42, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>>> Which means that it will be found and fixed, which is pretty
>>> much the point of delivering it in fedora in the first place.
>> Right and when its fixed you have the burden of keeping yourself 
>> updated.
> That's why you have yum.

But look at the trend in distro sizes, they aren't shrinking.  Why not
install everything in extras at the same time according to the logic of
trying to dodge missing deps.  And maybe Dag or Livna too.  The whole
idea doesn't scale, and make needless load on the update mirrors as well
as the increased security perimeter.

You might decide for one box for you this is okay, fair enough: but its
an architectural decision about having the button and different
considerations -- like, "is this going in the right direction" -- are
called for.

> So how do you ever decide to run a new program?

Turning that around, how, as you imply, does installing everything help
you to decide to run a new program?  Apropos?


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