From release notes for FC5T3 (web)

Michael Wiktowy michael.wiktowy at
Tue Mar 7 23:17:59 UTC 2006

Is it really *that* much harder to do a:
yum install "*."`arch` "*.noarch" "*.i386"
after a basic installation?
Or installing and opening yumex and clicking the "Select All" button and
then "Install Packages" in the Install tab?
Or copy all the files from the installation CDs and do a:
yum localinstall /dir/where/the/rpms/are/*.rpm
if you don't have network connectivity?

You have lots of options still available if you want to drown in packages.

Getting rid of the "Everything" button in the install package selection
makes a lot of sense as more packages get pushed out into extras, anaconda
becomes more network-aware at installation time and "everything" becomes
more of a misnomer.

It is also huge benefit to bandwidth savings for the mirrors (which benefits
everyone by faster updates) and a big benefit to reliability (to those who
don't know better by removing the ability to shoot themselves in the foot
with package compatibility issues) by not carrying around gigabytes of
unused packages.

It is a very small inconvenience to those that want to install everything
... just in case they *might* try them in the future ... if they happen to
have a menu listing to discover. Those who should know better yet choose to
shoot themselves in the foot anyways still have lots of options for doing so
as outlined above.

There are also lots and lots of options for finding out about packages
available. There is a Fedora Wiki, yum info/search, yumex Install tab,
Google, mailing lists, etc.

This is all coming from the perspective of a person who *used to* pick the
Install Everything option so don't think that I don't have sympathy for the
Install-everything camp. I just realize that the introduction of yum has
removed most justification for having such an option. Any justification
still left is easily out-weighed by the possible harm that can come to
people innocently picking that option and thinking that it will make their
life easier. As time goes on, that option will make things harder for

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