
Jim Douglas jdz99 at
Mon Mar 13 14:00:46 UTC 2006

USB hard drive's are so cheap it looks like the way to go....

Thanks for the info,

>If you want a quick restore, then you'd better be taking One Big
>Filesystem Image, probably to a USB hard disk. If you can get away
>without backing up everything every time, *and* if you have spare disk
>space to take compressed tar files of valuable filesystems, you might
>get away with using DVD±RW. Or you could use the new dual-layer DVD±Rs.
>(Don't try copying files directly to FAT32 or DVD: tar them first.
>Otherwise you'll lose ownership and permissions data.)
>You should at least be looking to backup /root, /etc, /home, some
>stuff under /var (e.g. /var/log/rpmpkgs), /srv if you use it...
>Personally, I have a simple shell script to tar and gzip certain
>directories and burn those archives to DVD+RW. But then, if I ever
>wanted to reinstall the machine, I'd want to do things differently.
>Whatever you do, test the re-install...
>E-mail address: james | Ankh-Morpork people considered that spelling was a
>  | sort of optional extra. They believed in it in the
>                       | same way they believed in punctuation; it didn't
>                       | matter where you put it, so long as it was there.
>                       |     -- "The Truth", Terry Pratchett
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