Disable Root Recovery

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at infinity-ltd.com
Tue Mar 14 05:33:37 UTC 2006

Feris Thia wrote:
> On 3/14/06, James Wilkinson <fedora at westexe.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> One way of doing it is to use a live CD (e.g. Knoppix) and mounting the
>> Fedora drives, then resetting the root password. I understand that the
>> Fedora recovery CD can do this as well. Alternatively, you could just
>> temporarily install the hard drive in another PC.
> Do we need a root user and password to mount to Fedora's hard drive ?
You only need to be able to become root from live CD. Exactly how
you do that depends on the CD. Most do not require a root password.
If you can use the CLI, it is fairly easy to mount the partitions
from the hard drive. I usually do something like this:

mkdir /mnt/root
mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/root
chroot /mnt/root
mount -a

You will have to adjust the partition in the first mount command to
match your root partition. Also, some live CDs will create mount
points for all the partitions on your hard drive. Some rescue disks
are even smart enough to be able to mount the directory tree for
you, so all you need it the chroot command to put you in your normal
root directory as root. Also note, that because udev and hotplug are
not running in the chroot environment, you may not be able to mount
everything. But it will let you do things like change the root password.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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