enabling guest access to some samba shares and printers on FC3

Ankush Grover ankush174 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 06:11:14 UTC 2006

hey friends,

I have configured samba for my domain.Now I want to allow guest acess to
some samba shares and printers.

There are few laptops with Windows Home Edition running on them and I want
to allow them to print to the printers attached to the FC3 machine.I am
using security as domain in that case the user authentication is done by the
Windows 2003 server and guest account is enabled on the Windows 2003 server.

My smb.conf is below

workgroup = sun
netbios name = server2
guest account = nobody
security = domain
password server = server.sun.com

public = yes
writeable = yes
guest ok = yes

   comment = All Printers
   path = /var/spool/samba
   browseable = no
   guest ok = yes
   writable = no
   printable = yes
   public = yes
   printer admin = root
   printing = cups
   use client driver = yes

   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writeable = yes
   hide dot files = yes
   veto files = /*MAILDIR*/

Everytime I try to access the utilities2 shares or printers the Samba asks
for the username and password. I want to configure samba in such a way that
anybody within my domain can access to these shares and printers.

What modifications I have to do to enable guest access to some of the

Thanks & Regards

Ankush Grover
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