bacula server

Tue Mar 14 10:13:35 UTC 2006

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Howarth <paul at>
To: For users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list at>
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:01:47 AM GMT-0700
Subject: Re: bacula server

> Thanks again mostly u/we got it to work so far.  However it is asking for a pile of dependancies.  I know give a guy an inch and he will try to take a mile or km here in Canada.

You can use "yum localinstall some.rom some.other.rpm" to install rpms
with their dependencies (you might have to set gpgcheck=0
in /etc/yum.conf before you do this, and change it back to 1 again
afterwards, since the packages you've just built won't be signed).

> Is there a way to install without any gui stuff or mabey i am wrong mabey there is no gui stuff.  Some of the dependancies for those dependancies are X11 related.  

Don't try installing the -gconsole subpackage. In fact, do an "rpm -qip"
on each rpm package and see if it's something you want to install. Only
install the bits you need.

Not sure if i follow how do i NOT install the gconsole subpackage something i defenitly do not need.  Seems even if i do not want a package to be installed if it is a dependancy will not the build fail without it.  

See this list i do not need alsa sound drivers or esound gee wiz what a mess.
Performing the following to resolve dependencies:
  Install: GConf2.i386 0:2.8.1-1 - base
  Install: ORBit2.i386 0:2.12.0-3 - base
  Install: alsa-lib.i386 0:1.0.6-8.FC3 - updates-released
  Install: alsa-lib-devel.i386 0:1.0.6-8.FC3 - updates-released
  Install: audiofile.i386 1:0.2.6-1 - base
  Install: audiofile-devel.i386 1:0.2.6-1 - base
  Install: e2fsprogs-devel.i386 0:1.38-0.FC3.1 - updates-released
  Install: esound.i386 1:0.2.35-2 - base

> I do not have any X11 stuff on this box it has no xwindows/gnome system and is minimum install Command prompt only.  So before i go ahead and make a big mess of my faily clean fedora box do i really need all these or is there a way to turn some of them off. 
> Thanks again and sorry about top post i think my clock was messed up not sure how it happend but should be fixed now. 

Uh? Top-posting is nothing to do with clock settings, and you're still
doing it...

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