Perl CGI Response codes other than 200 OK

Don Russell fedora at
Tue Mar 14 14:33:03 UTC 2006

Ian Burrell wrote:
> Don Russell <fedora <at>> writes:
>> I've spent most of yesterday trying to solve this by searching google... 
>> I'm trying to use HTTP::Response to create a response when my perl cgi
>> program is run.
> Why are you using HTTP::Response?  That is the class for representing responses
> from the server in LWP, the HTTP client module.  It is not for generating
> responses on the server-side.
> If you are using CGI, then use the header() method.  It takes a -status option.
> If you are using mod_perl, it is $r->status().  Apache2::Const for mod_perl2
> contains constants for the different statuses like OK.
>  - Ian
Well, it seemed reasonable to me that if HTTP::Response represented a 
response received from a server, then it could be used to build a 
response to send from a server... and if not, why do so many methods 
allow the changing of the response? i.e. headers may be added/removed... 
that doesn't sound typical for processing a response from another server...

I like how I can add headers and content as I go through my script, then 
finally, when everything is done, actually send the response.

I've rewritten my code to use CGI, and I can now generate the headers I 
want, but unless I'm misunderstanding something, there's no 
"container/object" that I can accumulate headers in, and then print them 
out later...

Or, does the CGI::header method accept a hash of all the headers I want 
to send?

I'm relatively new to Perl, so maybe something like "print 
$query->header(%all_my_headers);" will work... I just don't see that in 
the doc I've found so far.

I'm using HTTP::Status to get all the status codes like RC_BAD_REQUEST, 


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