FC5 release question

Jim Cornette fc-cornette at insight.rr.com
Sat Mar 18 01:43:58 UTC 2006

Tom Spec wrote:
> When FC5 releases (or any version for that matter), will that be the 
> final version of the installation CDs, or do they ever get updated?  Of 
> course there will be loads of updates that can be applied with yum, but 
> I was just wondering if once the CDs are released they are "frozen."

There probably won't be a Fedora Project updated installation media. 
Since there will be a problem with what kernel will be included with the 
release of FC5, it is recommended that you grab the updated kernel. The 
problem relates to loading non-GPL modules like nvidia, ati, vmware and 
the like. Instead of crying foul for the oversight, applying the updates 
post install would get you up an running with the non-GPL module compiles.

Another issue that was discussed is using Xen. A problem with SELinux 
and another problem with kudzu locking up was discussed. I have not 
tried Xen out yet but recently installed Xen to give it a go.

Those are the only issues that really stand out from long threads 
proposing holding off on the release by a few on the test list.

I noticed today that SAMBA needs "kick started" in order for it to work 
properly for me. The issue that I noticed today was that I needed to 
stop and restart SAMBA after stopping and restarting the network 
interfaces. I believe SAMBA is using cifs instead of the older smbd 
modules for the kernel.


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	If you knew what you were doing you'd probably be bored.

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