FC5 is there problems with SATA???

Jack Howarth howarth at bromo.msbb.uc.edu
Tue Mar 21 16:50:14 UTC 2006

    I haven't tried FC5 yet but there was one
oddity I ran into on FC4 installations. When 
setting up software RAID-1 on two SATA drives
the installation constantly failed with a device
not ready error. Both drives were on a Promise
RAID controller set in Ultra IDE mode. The
problem seemed to be due to the disk partitioning
information not being updated before the drive
was used. I say that because the workaround I
finally found was to start a non-RAID install
on each drive and abort it after the disk
was partition and properly found by the installer.
Once both disks were pre-partitioned to the
correct sizes, I was able to have the software
RAID-1 installation succeed on the SATA drives.
Hopefully that glitch has been eliminated from

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