Torrent tip: Use a non-standard listen port range

Kenneth Porter shiva at
Tue Mar 21 17:16:26 UTC 2006

When starting your torrent client, select a random range of ports not in 
the usual torrent band from 6881-6999. Many ISP's are naively shaping 
traffic on those ports to keep P2P uses from taking bandwidth from their 
precious web users. By announcing ports outside that range, you can often 
escape the shaping and get full speed that would otherwise be throttled. 
I've been using ranges in the 50000's, but any random port range between 
1024 and 65535 should work. Newer clients can serve from a single port. 
Older clients require a range, which should be between 10 and 100 ports, as 
they serve each peer on a different port.

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