OT : an end to script kiddies

Joel Rees joel_rees at sannet.ne.jp
Tue Mar 21 21:51:53 UTC 2006

Pardon the top post, but, as has been pointed out, first, honeypots and 
canaries are useful in keeping your security strategy current. Second, 
active prevention such as tarpitting offending IPs can be very useful 
if done well, deadly if done wrong. Third, aggression against zombies 
is begging for legal problems and not buying much of anything in return.

Fourth, if you have the time to waste engaging in warfare against the 
script kiddies, I wish I had your job. ;-) (Okay, just joking about the 
fourth point. Sort of.)

If you are employed by the police, you might want to work on 
counter-attacks, but you won't be breaking and entering, and you won't 
be entering without a warrant. Informing the owners and admins of 
zombied boxes is definitely something that might be a good use of tax 
money, but it could also easily become an abusive activity.

Think about the consequences of what you're suggesting, think like it's 
a game of chess and see if you aren't suggesting sacrificing your queen 
for a pawn.

On 2006.3.22, at 12:10 AM, Steven J Lamb wrote:

> I am by no means saying this is either a polished or necessarily fool 
> proof system. obviously there could even be a reverse-reverse attack 
> out there that the script kiddies cause trying to trick this script 
> into thinking it is the kernel instead of the malicious program.
> [...]

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