Can scp be used to update a directory?

Anne Wilson cannewilson at
Wed Mar 22 22:21:44 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 22 March 2006 17:32, James Wilkinson wrote:
> Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Side issue, James.  Are you having any problems displaying accented
> > letters? I have language=British English, and character set=utf8.  When I
> > should see an accented letter I get a double space instead.
> Not usually, no. But it sounds as though you've got problems with part
> of your computing environment using UTF8 and part of it using ISO 8859
> variants. UTF8 is undoubtedly superior, but the transition period is a
> bit sticky...
> Can you open a shell and type
> echo $LANG
> It should return
> en_GB.UTF-8
> which should confirm your settings.
> And you'd probably better check /etc/sysconfig/i18n, too.
Both say that I'm using en_US.UTF-8.  I have kde set to use en_GB.UTF-8, I 
believe, but if I run system-config-language only en_US.UTF-8 is present.  
How can I change it?

> With this set up, you should be good to enter and save accented letters.
> You should also be able to receive (properly formatted) e-mails with
> accents in, since the e-mails should contain headers describing the
> encoding used.
> So, for example, уоυ ѕhουld ье аьlе to read that (with any luck, and a
> good font) even though it contains quite a few Greek and Cyrillic
> letters, because this message will have a header saying that it's
> encoded in UTF8.
> The problem comes when you have text files that come from non-UTF8
> systems, or filenames from non-UTF8 systems, or applications which don't
> understand UTF8. If you're seeing double spaces, then you're probably
> seeing UTF8 data displayed in a non-UTF8 program (or system).
> In which case, it would be helpful to know precisely which program or
> system that is, so we can recommend better settings.
I've seen it mostly in konqueror file manager, but yesterday I received an 
email where one name showed the same problem.

Maybe I have two language settings slogging it out.  What do I need to change 
to get it into sync, James?

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