bittorrent slow

Gordon Messmer yinyang at
Wed Mar 22 23:27:27 UTC 2006

Mike McCarty wrote:
> They don't sell you a link of a given bandwidth and then tell you
> how you can use it. They license you to use *their* equipment, and
> then tell you how you can use *their* equipment. And you *agree*
> to the terms when you sign up to use *their* equipment.

You make it sound like a privilege.  You may see it that way, but I do 
not.  I've *been* an ISP, and as both a customer and a provider, I 
understand that as a business arrangement.  The customer pays for 
service, and he'll go to whomever offers the best.  I wouldn't pay 
someone who treated me the way that you suggest.

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